Each and every year there are new and improved sleep studies that are constantly revising new research on the benefits of a great night’s sleep and just how to achieve this luxury. However, there are many things that can be incorporated into your everyday lifestyle that can help anyone achieve an excellent night’s sleep regardless of these new findings with expensive equipment and unrealistic expectations of the everyday working person.
First of all, it should go without saying. It is highly important to have peace and quiet in your bedroom to ensure that you get a night of interrupted sleep. Before you go to sleep you should ensure you don’t have any unnecessary alarms set for the morning – it is more beneficial for you to set a slightly later alarm but set it only the once than to set an earlier alarm but snooze once or twice. You should also ensure that any washing machines, dishwashers etc are not due to finish their cycles during the time you are asleep as this could disturb your night of sleep even without you being fully aware of it.
This ties in with controlling the light. Sleeping in a dark room is essential to ensure you receive a great night’s sleep. This can be harder especially in the summer when the sun rises in the early hours of the morning so it is important to have the right curtains or black out blinds to ensure your sleep remains uninterrupted. Black out blinds are a very popular choice for those who work night shifts. Likewise, should you need to go the toilet during the night it is much better if you DON’T turn on the bathroom light as this disrupts your brain and can lead to a restless remainder of the night. It is also important to avoid the blue glowing light that is emitted from devices such as your smart phone, tablet, laptop, computer etc as this can affect your natural levels of melatonin and therefore prevent you from falling asleep. It is best to avoid any of these lights for at least two hours before you prepare to sleep.
Fresh bed sheets really do make all the difference – there is a reason you smile when you sink into a freshly made bed! Most people only launder their bed every few weeks whereas in reality this should be done on a weekly basis to ensure that your bed remains fresh and clean. We also recommend choosing 100% cotton sheets as they are cool and soft feeling and suitable for all seasons.
Your bed should be used as a sleeping zone only! You may laugh at this but you would be surprised by how many people check their phones, plug in their laptops to fire off a quick e-mail to work or write their to do lists in bed. If as a rule you set your bed to be the sleep zone only, this separation will enable you to get into the right mindset at bed time as your brain will automatically focus on relaxation. You could go so far as to remove laptops, work books or washing as this are all things that could remind you of what you have yet to do the following day.
And the final point could be the most important one to make. It is crucial that you choose a solid bed frame and a supportive mattress that is right for your own needs. Every persons tastes and preferences are different but with the variety of mattresses available today there should always be one to suit your needs. This is the same with your bed frame – it is important that it is solid and sturdy, like our own range of wooden bed frames which come with an impressive eleven year guarantee. A bed frame and mattress should work in harmony to ensure that you get the support and comfort that you need to achieve that ever elusive perfect night’s sleep.
We have a whole series of related posts that will give you even more tips on how to get an effective nights sleep.
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