Insomnia is a very common sleeping disorder. It’s something around 1 in 3 people will suffer from in their life. People who experience this disorder have trouble getting to sleep, or the inability to stay asleep for a long period of time. Within insomnia there are two different types. Primary, and secondary.
Primary insomnia is those who are having this sleep problem without any direct link to other health conditions or problems. Secondary insomnia is a person who’s experiencing the condition with a link to another health problem. For example, depression. This can also be because of the medication they’re taking.
The causes of insomnia vary. Many of the courses are in relation to stress and health problems. The main causes include serious life stress such as the death of a loved one, pain or discomfort at night, environmental factors, for example noise while you’re trying to sleep and illness.
The amount of time this condition can also vary. It get’s broken down into two categories. Acute and chronic. If the insomnia is short term, then it’s falls under acute. Insomnia is acute when it last one night to a few weeks. On the other end of the scale, there’s chronic. This is long term insomnia. The condition is classed as chronic when a person experiences it at least 3 nights a week for over a month. It can also come and go. A person can have periods of peaceful and unbroken sleep, but then have periods of insomnia.
Establish a sleep schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.
Create a bedtime routine: Engage in relaxing activities, such as reading or taking a bath, before bed.
Avoid screens: The blue light from electronic devices such as phones and laptops can interfere with sleep.
Limit caffeine and alcohol: Both substances can disrupt sleep patterns. Read more in our post how caffiene affects you and your sleep
Exercise regularly: Physical activity can help you fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly.
Avoid napping during the day: This can make it harder to fall asleep at night.
Create a sleep-conducive environment: Keep your bedroom cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable.
There are various treatments and solutions for this disorder. For insomnia which is chronic, then treatment will usually include first trying to identify if there are any underlying health problems which are causing it. If this sleeping disorder continues, then it may be suggested a person has behaviour therapy. This will help a person suffering from the disorder change their behaviours which may be making their insomnia worse as well as help them to learn behaviours which can promote sleep.
For those suffering from mild insomnia, often the only treatment which is required is the practise of good sleeping habits. For example, trying not to nap during the day, which can cause you to be less sleepy at night. Make sure your bedrooms the best possible atmosphere, this can be done by having it not too cold or warm, and at the correct light levels. Also, another great tip is to avoid caffeine late at night. In other words, no late night coffee! Caffeine is a stimulus and can stop you from falling to sleep.
The bed you sleep in can play a big part in how you sleep. You can buy a wooden bed frame from us at a great price and designs that will make you welcome going to bed.
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Note: International shipping prices are charged per bed rather than per order. This is due to the bulky nature and weight of these products.