Sleep is not to be neglected, it is one of the most important factors of your lifestyle and when it finally comes round to getting some shuteye, most of us have no idea. It is important when it comes to bedtime, that we are wise with our decisions and don’t do anything to hamper that perfect night’s sleep. There are certain bedtime habits that you may want to consider getting into, to encourage a better night’s sleep and make it a regular nighttime occurrence. We have collated a few sleeping habits to get into before you decide to hit the sack.
Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol and Nicotine – Anyone that loves coffee, will unfortunately know that caffeine is a stimulant that can most definitely keep you awake. So it’s important that you try to avoid any night time drinks that include caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime. Similar to this, smokers should refrain from using tobacco products too close to the time they are going to bed. Although alcohol may bring on sleep, a few hours in it will begin to act as stimulant which will decrease the quality of sleep later in the night.
Go To Sleep When You’re Truly Tired – If you are struggling to sleep, then it will just lead to you becoming frustrated. If you can’t feel your eyes beginning to shut or ache then don’t go to sleep. Also if have you are not asleep after being in bed for 20 minutes, you must do something about it by getting out of bed, go to another room and do something relaxing, maybe read or listen to music until you are tired.
Lighten Up On Evening Meals – Putting your favourite meal in at 10pm is just creating a recipe for insomnia. It is important you ensure you finish dinner several hours before bedtime, and avoid foods that could cause you to suffer indigestion. If you are hungry during the night, snack on food that you know aren’t likely to disturb your sleep.
Aviod Screens Before Bed – The blue light emitted by electronic devices can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. Try to avoid using your phone, tablet, or computer for at least an hour before bedtime.
Don’t Watch The Clock – If you insist on staring at the clock in your bedroom, either when you are trying to doze off, or when you wake in the middle of the night, this is a very bad move. Staring at the clock can actually increase your stress levels and make it harder for you to fall back to sleep. Ideally, turn your clock face away from you.
Pre – Sleep Routine – When it comes to that crucial hour before bed, make sure you avoid stressful activities, it’s your hour so you must ensure you make the most of it. Take a bath, the change in temperature can lead to drowsiness, read your favourite book or just simply watch a bit of telly to get you in a state of relaxation.
The bed you sleep in can play a big part in how you sleep. You can buy a wooden bed frame from us at a great price and designs that will make you welcome going to bed.
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Note: International shipping prices are charged per bed rather than per order. This is due to the bulky nature and weight of these products.